What a joy when the people God gave us to minister to now minister to us. Here is a brief conversation Mercedes and I had Sunday March 30, 2014. It will also help you to understand the importance of verbally confessing our sins one to another.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

It was Sunday afternoon with our services now completed at the Cardoza’s home, Mercedes and I get to have some much needed time of fellowship together. All the children have run out to play by the river graced with traces of jungle vegetation that have slowly been removed by its local residence.

Mercedes and I remain in the outdoor kitchen whose walls have been marred in black from the regular cooking that is done on the fire. Our discussion was over a message a dear friend of mine sent Cardoza Outdoor Kitchenme that has left me in deep meditation.

My Lord has been working in my life ever so precisely since Christmas of 2013, taking me to the heart of the matter of my greatest desire, to make a difference in the lives of others, only to challenge me with the words from Abigail Miller’s song, “Have You Died,” which have led me to the book, “Born Crucified,” that I am currently reading.

The message I received from my friend that I was sharing with Mercedes is taking me one step closer to learning more of what it means to live a crucified life. Her message was reaching deep into my inner most being.

Mercedes then took a moment to share something with me. Oh, if only you could meet Mercedes she has such a wonderful God given ability with words. She has such discernment to point things out I miss. I stop and listened to what Mercedes had to tell me.

Mercedes was so gracious with her words. Before I knew it I found myself once again on the surgeon’s table my Lord had prepared. It was as if Mercedes words were the anesthetic for the question my Lord was to ask next.

With my Lord’s spiritual scalpel, that cut open my heart so cleanly Mercedes asked, “Do you have pride?”

I did not stop to think, it did not even hurt and there was no hesitation as I answered, “Yes.”

And then it struck me and I asked Mercedes, “What did I just say yes to, ask me again.”

With such a sweet voice that can only come from my Lord Jesus, Mercedes asked, “Do you have pride?”

I wanted my own mind to realize that my Lord had given me the freedom to quickly answer without hesitation and just to confirm it to myself I answered again, “Yes,” with tears freely flowing for it was to my Lord I acknowledged such pride. Oh the deliverance, the moment my sin was openly confessed by my own mouth. Pride no long had the same hold on me.

I knew there was no use to make excuses or hide anything, my Lord sees all. Although, it would not be long after we left for home that my pride was crying out wanting the ground my Lord had now claimed as His. Oh, Lord let it sink deep within my being that I cannot live unless I die.

Beauty for Ashes

Confessions of a Missionary Wife
Picture of Scripture Look author

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