I have been blessed to finish Born Crucified, a book I read that has completely challenged my life, changed my thinking and continues to be my desire to live a crucified life. In my Lord’s wisdom now He has lovingly guided me to read War of Words by Paul Tripp.

I am really excited about reading books. Those who know me, know I have only read as of now, less than a handful of books. I was rather lazy when it came to reading, but that is a whole other story.

The blessing is that for me reading books has a real God given purpose. I ask God to lead me to books He knows will be what He wants in my life. And just so you know not all books are by Christian authors such as another book I am reading called, “The 12 Week Year,” but there are certainly biblical principles in it.

Now War of Words is written by a Christian author, Paul Tripp that I find quite refreshing. There is something about his style that get right to the heart of the matter and exalts the grace of God.

"When you speak, the power of the tongue is yours to claim. Speak a word of love in Jesus’ name." From song, Speak Love by Abigail Miller

Today I read the following that has, shall I say deflating me, convicted and put me to shame:

“Communication that attempts to find personal security by taking God’s control forgets one of the sweetest provisions of the Word, God’s control over all things for his children. Another way to say this is that our words often reveal that we are not so much trusting in the Lord as we are trying to be him.” Paul Tripp – War of Words page 47

This message is not for those of us who love to talk but for those who may have few words too. A challenging question I ask myself…

So, what is the purpose of your communication?

The remaining sections of the chapter were just as challenging and convicting. How is it that God’s grace is so far from our thinking? I just had not given it much thought that Jesus came to redeem all to include the way we communicate with others. Giving us purpose and meaning with our very words.

Lord, use me to impact the lives of others with words. Words that come from above, filled with your wisdom and eternal love.

How Will You Use Words Today?
Picture of Scripture Look author

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