This Valentine’s Day I am praying for Christian single women to reflect on the beauty and romance of allowing God to write your love story. Sure I am a married women. You may think it is easy for me to talk but what you may not realize I am a mother of single young men and women who I must council that they trust God to lead them. valentine-note


Although my husband and I were not believers at the time we met, looking back in our lives we can see how God was working to bring us together for His glory. But this post is not about our love story rather I want you as a single Christian woman to get a vision from God to allow Him to write your love story.


The following is a message God had me prepare for a single woman, to encourage her as she is learning to trust God to write her love story. The message is written from the perspective as if Jesus Christ wrote it to her for truly it is Christ in me that longs to teach her to trust the Lord in this area of her future husband. I pray that it is an encouragement to you as well who are waiting patiently for the Lord.


In addition I pray that married couples, especially married women (because we tend to be the guiltiest of all) that we will understand the struggles single men and women face especially when we are guilty of asking, “So when are you getting married?” When as of yet God is not telling them even who it is they will be marrying tempting them to wonder and start looking around.


Please married folks stop pressuring singles who really can be single minded for the Lord at this time in their lives. Don’t distract them by taking their gaze off Jesus and the future spouse HE desires them to marry.


May this “Love Note from Jesus” be a blessing to us all on this Valentine’s Day.



My Beloved Bride,


I know during this time of year it may be difficult for you not to wonder if perhaps there isn’t a man who will love you. You see the couples around you spending time together cherishing their moments and sharing their sorrows.


At times you may feel you are all alone even though you console yourself with the truth that I am with you. Yet you still desire my answer in the matter of a man who may consider you to be his wife.


I want you to trust me on this and to do so day-by-day. If by the end of the day I have not given you an answer then accept that the answer given is, “No.” Take each day one-day-at a time and feel free to ask each day and receive my answer wholeheartedly for that day. Truly no man knows what a day may bring forth but trust me that I am in control.


I do not desire that you just marry any man but rather a man of my choosing. One who will love and cherish you as I do for my Spirit will be in him. He will be a man of faith who is also trusting my working hand. A man who is praying for you though he may not know your name or has ever met you face to face.


He is a man whose greatest desire is to be led by me, your Lord and Savior, that he may lead you in this journey of faith together. He is a man that will one day take delight in you as my word encourages him to do so.


“Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love. And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?” Proverbs 5:18-20


He too is learning to trust me. He is constantly fighting the temptation to give away his love all too easily to a woman that is not you because he longs more than anything that you become a reality in his life. He too is waiting and has heard me answer, “No.” And so he waits and in his waiting he is longing for the day when I present you to him. On that day he will greatly rejoice and take great pleasure in serving you, giving his life for you and in doing so he will grow to be more like me.


“The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.” 1 Timothy 5:2


As he waits for you, he is discovering how to value all women in a far more mature way than he has known. He is learning to esteem older women as mothers. He is raising the standards of his own generation so that other young men will treat the young women around him with respect in all purity as he would want men around you, his future bride, to treat you. Not seeking to distract your purity away from your husband Jesus and the man Christ would have you marry.


I know I am not revealing what tomorrow will bring at this point but just know I am working. For now allow me to spread my skirt over you to work on your behalf as your kinsmen redeemer (see Ruth 3:9-13). Your life will be fulfilled in me. I will seek to do things to your best interest. Even if it means I give your heart into the arms of a mortal man because I know with him your love for me will be perfected.


“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:4-5


With all my love,

Your Kinsmen Redeemer and Husband


“For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5


Valentine’s Day Romance
Picture of Scripture Look author

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